Turnkey Promotional
Law Enforcement Process
for First Line Supervisors
Morris & McDaniel recognizes the importance of selecting qualified first-line supervisors. In today’s landscape, the significance of investing in the right individual is paramount to the success of your department. As the Morris & McDaniel is the international frontrunner in consultancy for designing professional assessments tailored to protective service organizations. We understand that small departments should not have to sacrifice a quality assessment process because of budget constraints, unlike their large department counterparts; therefore, Morris & McDaniel offers a convenient and cost-effective process, enabling small departments to conduct valid promotional assessments to select the top-tier candidates for supervisory roles in public service.

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How do I know if this is the right process for my department?
- Are you looking to promote first-line supervisors?
- Do you have under 10 candidates?
- Do you have a department liaison available to work directly with Morris & McDaniel?
- Do you have secure computer access for candidates to be tested remotely by Morris & McDaniel proctors?
If purchased as a complete package, the following six-part process will be supplied to the jurisdiction.
Start a Conversation - Fill out the form below or call (703) 836-3600
Explore our flexible purchasing options tailored to your needs. Whether you require a comprehensive package or individual items, Morris & McDaniel offers the flexibility to purchase items together or separately. Choose what suits you best and optimize your assessment process with ease.
Job Analysis
We examine current job descriptions and task lists for the role to ensure we understand its intricacies. Leveraging this insight, we’ll refine our evaluation tools to pinpoint candidates possessing the vital skills and abilities that are essential for optimal performance in the position.
Candidate Orientation
We will provide an orientation manual in PDF format to provide to candidates to assist them in preparing for their promotional process.
Multiple Choice Written Exam
This exam can also be purchased separately.
This is a standardized, ready-to-use exam consisting of 100- multiple-choice items. Morris & McDaniel’s public safety promotional tests are meticulously designed to evaluate the requisite job knowledge for specific positions. We identify crucial elements of each targeted job through comprehensive job analyses and consultations with subject matter experts to ascertain the necessary knowledge for proficient job performance. With over 47 years of expertise in crafting items for written knowledge tests utilized in promotional systems, Morris & McDaniel adheres to item writing techniques outlined in various publications. Our firm employs a systematic approach to item writing, review, and revision, which has consistently proven successful in clearly articulating questions and alternatives.
Administration Options
1. Paper/Pencil: Jurisdiction Administers
- Testing Materials: Jurisdiction is provided the testing materials necessary for testing, including: Test booklets, answer sheets, and administrator’s manual.
- Answer Sheet Scanning: Completed answer sheets are electronically scanned and verified in our Scoring Center by our Scoring Consultants.
- Score reporting: A final list of written test scores will be sent to the jurisdiction.
- The jurisdiction will need to provide a location, timer, pencils, test administrator and proctors.
2. Online: Jurisdiction Administers
- Testing Materials: Jurisdiction is provided the link to access the secure, online exam and an administrator’s manual.
- Administrative Access to View Scores: Jurisdiction is provided administrative access to view candidate scores immediately upon completion of the exam.
- The jurisdiction will need to provide computers/laptops, internet access, and proctors.
Exam Features
- 100 multiple-choice items
- 2.5 hour exam time
- Clear and accurate item construction
- Appropriate difficulty level (for screening at the desired level)
- Plausibility of distracters
- Straightforward (non-complex) word arrangement
- Avoidance of irrelevant clues
- Avoidance of negatively stated items
- Grammatical accuracy
- Avoidance of terminology that might contribute to cultural and gender bias
- Screened by skilled and knowledgeable psychometricians
Source Material
Morris & McDaniel’s off-the-shelf Law Enforcement First-Line Supervisor exam was developed for police agencies to determine the extent to which candidates possess the necessary job knowledge required for success as a Corporal/Sergeant. This exam focuses on key knowledge areas such as leadership, supervision, interpersonal communication, and critical incidents. In the book/article selection, Morris & McDaniel has made efforts to keep the cost to candidates at a minimum while still ensuring the appropriate technical knowledge areas are measured. Please contact us for book titles.
Performance-Based Assessment Scenarios
This exam can also be purchased separately.
Morris & McDaniel is a leader in Assessment Center design and administration. The off-the shelf exercises are designed to mirror the behaviors essential to excelling in supervisory roles within your jurisdiction. Drawing from our extensive inventory of pre-designed assessment scenarios, we tailor the selection to suit your specific needs. Our Turnkey Assessment Process encompasses four distinct assessment scenarios, including a tactical exercise and situational scenarios, which are key to evaluating a candidate’s aptitude in handling real-life challenges pertinent to their prospective roles.
Assessor Training and Scoring
The assessment exercises will be overseen and appraised by assessors, trained to maintain fairness and objectivity. Each candidate’s performance will be measured against predefined performance benchmarks to ascertain their suitability for specific roles. To ensure accuracy, we enlist experienced and trained assessors from our pool, who hold positions equal to or higher than the rank being evaluated. Their evaluations of video-recorded responses will be conducted remotely, maintaining the integrity of the assessment process.
Score Reporting
We will combine candidate scores on the written and oral processes, appropriately weighted based on best practices and job analysis data, to produce a final rank-ordered list for delivery to the Police Department.
Additional Component Options
The following add-ons are available to our entry-level process at an additional fee.
We offer the Additional Assessment Scenario, Second Review Process and Inclusion of Seniority/Preference Points.
Additional Assessment Scenario
Second Review Process
Inclusion of Seniority/Preference Points
We are dedicated to delivering excellence in service across all projects and contracts with our clients. Leveraging our expertise, qualifications, and resources, we pledge to enthusiastically address our clients' needs promptly and effectively.

Regardless of your organization's size or mission, Morris & McDaniel stands ready to collaborate as your ally, empowering you to build a capable and motivated team poised for success.
Start a Conversation - Fill out the form below or call (703) 836-3600