Houston Police Department Lieutenant Assessment Center
December 15, 2024 - December 20, 2024
Houston Police Department Lieutenant Assessment Center
Scoring in Memphis, TN (scoring from video capture)
Dec. 15 – Dec. 20, 2024
Memphis, TN
This is a video-based Assessment Center being scored for the Houston Police Department to assess the rank of Lieutenant. Panels of assessors will score candidates from video-recordings.
Must be rank of Lieutenant (or equivalent) or higher
Shall not reside in the Houston Metropolitan Area
Shall not be related to any candidate for promotion
Shall not personally know any candidate for promotion
Shall have at least 2 years’ experience in the rank being assessor or equivalent rank
Shall not be a current or former employee of the City of Houston
Shall not be retired
Shall serve in a municipal police department in the United States with a minimum population of 200,000;